
version 1.0

GLEAM is the all-sky survey by the Murchison Widefield Array telescope in Western Australia.
Based on Chromoscope, GLEAMoscope lets you explore our Galaxy (the Milky Way) and the distant Universe in a range of wavelengths from X-rays to down to the GLEAM frequencies of 72-231 MHz. You can also explore the electromagnetic spectrum here.
Change the wavelength using the slider in the top right of the screen and explore space using your mouse.
GLEAMoscope is now available in mobile and virtual reality apps on the Apple Store and Google Play. Search ‘GLEAMoscope’ or click the relevant link: Apple Mobile | Apple VR | Android Mobile | Android VR.
For more information on Chromoscope, check out the Chromoscope blog. If you get stuck, click "Help" in the bottom left.

Chromoscope is kindly funded by the Cardiff University Astronomy and Astronomy Instrumentation Groups.

Nick Risinger,

Took 1062ms to load.

Gamma rayX-rayVisibleFar-InfraredMicrowaveGLEAM (Radio)
The Milky Way is shown across the middle. The north pole of the Galaxy is towards the top. Use the mouse to drag the sky around. Want more info? Watch a quick tour (opens in this window). The keyboard controls are: Created by Stuart Lowe, Rob Simpson, and Chris North. You can also download it to run locally.